Epidemic, Earthquake ~
I wish i could take my medication, but once i do i will be in La-la Land. The medicine is so strong it will give me immediate urge to fall asleep. Huhu.
Since the weather changed, i noticed that a lot of people having some difficult time adjusting. Like people will always say, "musim". So now its musim selsema and batuk because of the weather change. Yesterday i was fine, but only until my colleague and my boss came in with flu. Ooh yes, they were very sick.
Let me describe my office for you:
The room is quite small. But still 4 people can make it. Anyway, from the size i think it is actually intended for only 1 person, but the person must be a high-ranked personnel. Kira macam private room la, utk bos-bos. But as it was transformed into a Proj Mgt Office, we have to cram inside, with 4 people. The door is constantly closed, because we do not want anybody to hear we discuss about issues. And, the air conditioner is on. I am sitting in the middle of both sick colleagues.
So imagine when they came into the crammed office. Considering myself as a very less-immuned person (which is true), what do you think would happen to me? Yup, i instantly fell into the epidemic circle.
So here i am, the next day. Stuck with a blocked nose and an irritating sore-throat. Arrghhh..! :S
Now i think i better take the medicine.
And btw, an earthquake hit Asia again. Sumatra, to be precise. Just as i woke up this morning, i got an SMS from Emry telling me that he and his friends had to evacuate their apartment. Apparently they all felt the tremor, and not to mention people in the other states nearer to Sumatra.
And the earthquake happened just 3 mths after the tsunami. I cant imagine how the traumatized people felt last night, when they had to experience a 2nd earthquake. Especially people in Acheh. If i was them, certainly i would freak out. Huhu.
Nothing bad happened in Malaysia.Syukur Alhamdulillah for His mercy. May we be given enough strength to bear with life's ordeal.
Now can we really say that Malaysia is totally free from earthquakes anymore? I don't think so. I choose not to continue with the ignorance.