Monday, June 27, 2005

Entering the 30th week. With style. :P

It's week 30 of my Industrial Training!! Yeay!! Another 2 weeks to go, and I am pretty sure it will go by swiftly because I am starting to have many things to settle now.

Went out with Emry last Saturday to KLCC (dah lama tak pegi), and we watched Batman Begins. Not bad la :) i really like Batman this time. More cute and frightening. Even his shadows sent chills down my spine (0r is it because of his cuteness??). Heheh. Spend the rest of the day browsing around the complex, and i found out that Isetan is still on sale. There were 50% off on GUESS handbags, but after the discount the price was still ridiculous to me. Huhu..Lain kali je la. Le SportSac was also on sale, but the most affordable one for me was too small. Haiii...bile la nak kaya. Ngeheheh..

Had Salmon Teppanyaki for lunch, and was feeling guilty because i had RICE and COKE at the same time. I have been cutting down on carbs,sugars and fats these days, but sometimes i just cannot resist them.Sheesh..So much on the healthy eating plan. Nyehh..

Went to Akila's school Sport's Day on Sunday with Mama. Papa is off to Yemen this week, and he took the CyberShot along. Soo..i did not manage to snap any pics to post here. Akila was involved in the Pom-pom Aerobics...They were super-kawaii dancing around with the pom-poms !!


The biggest thing of all that i did last weekend was.....COLOURING MY HAIR!! :) Yep..i finally did it. Had a colouring session at the neighborhood Unisex Saloon and after the steam treatment my hair was never so bouncy and colourful! Hehe. I am so in love with my hair right now, eventhough it did not turn out so PURPLE. Oh yes, i bought Koleston Decore Kit,and i chose the Aubergine shade. Aubergine is another name for Eggplant (terung), so u'll know what the colour is exactly.

The stylist told me that the colour will turn out better on a bleached hair, but she advised me not to bleach it anyway. Bleaching kind of spoils ur hair, so i agreed to apply it on black virgin hair. Plus, the colour will fade if it is applied on bleached hair. After everything was done, my hair was kind of reddish,but with a hint of purple. I wasn't very surprised, coz the stylist had told me earlier that the colour will not turn perfect purple on a black hair.

However, i am pretty much happy now.I just love my hair.

I wish i could take a picture right after it was done, tapi kamera takde plak. I'll try to post it next week la :)

Wednesday, June 22, 2005

The 3-day trip to Darul Iman~

I am back at the office again. Actually yesterday i was here already, but due to some technical difficulties, i wasn't able to upload pics and blog like usual. Took leave on Friday and Monday, so i had a 4-day leave including the weekends.

The trip to my school in Dungun, Terengganu was exhilarating. Felt so great to meet up with old friends once again, eventhough many did not manage to make it. Since we were all like 'scattered all around the world', it is close to impossible to have everyone available at the same time.

Departed on Air Asia flight from KLIA on Friday afternoon, had a quick lunch and prayers in Kuala Terengganu and departed for Dungun (a convoy of 2 cars) in the evening. Reached school around 6pm, and most of us already arrived..Had a mixture of feelings when we first arrived at school,kind of feeling anxious and excited at the same time.

Since all the girls who made it was around 20 people, we all crammed in the Bilik Rawatan. Thank God they finally changed the sheets, and it was cozier than the old days. The fun began instantly, coz it was along time since we all slumbered and kind of 'lived' together. Eventhough we had to share the limited beds, it was exciting nonetheless.

We had a BBQ Dinner that evening, and that was the chance for us to meet the guys. The BBQ wasn't perfect, coz we had to 'camp' under no lights. Anyway, we still manage to talk and lepak2 while enjoying the food, even under the dim lights.

The next day we had free activities. Since there were enough cars to accomodate us all, we went searching for our favourite foods for breakfast. I went with some close friends to find a Nasi Dagang stall, and after a brief search, we found a delicious one. The craving for Terengganu food was always there, even when you live far away. After that we all went to Teluk Gadong, the beautiful beach just 5 minutes away from school.

We had a semi-formal dinner the next evening, at a place Kelab Desa Rantau PETRONAS,45 minutes away from school. The dinner was simple, but the food was not bad. The moment i saw everybody seated, my thoughts wandered to our Graduation Night in 2001 at The Legend, Kuantan. Kind of the same, except for more makeups on the ladies, and the number of people attending. The night went on with us having more reminiscing conversations.

We departed home on Sunday morning, after having a second breakfast at yesterday's Nasi Dagang stall. Time flew so fast, the next thing we knew we were already heading for Kuala Terengganu again. Goodbye SMSD, hopefully we will make it again some other time. Once we reach KT, we went finding tickets for Kelantanese friends, and went shopping at the famous Pasar Payang. We bought loads of Keropok Segera, coz there is no other place you can find a delicious one like in Terengganu. On the way to a friend's place for the night, we stopped by the village's Keropok Lekor stall and we both bought some to bring back to Kuala Lumpur the next day.

Our flight home was in the morning of Monday. Reached KLIA around 9.30pm, and after saying our goodbyes, we both went home.

Oh dear, time fly so fast these days. One time you were excited to meet your old friends, and then suddenly you find yourselves saying goodbye, again. Next time we meet, some of us may probably settle down already. I already miss them. The bond that we made when growing up together for 5 years, is one bond that won't get loose easily.

Thursday, June 16, 2005

I am seriously considering to change its colour.

Just in case u don't get it, it's my hair I am talking about :P Just read a post about dyeing hair in miruL's blog. Interesting post he got there, go take a look for yourself.

To be frank I have been thinking about it for quite a while. And i have also done some research to make sure I truly understand the colouring mechanisme. I tried Googling and Yahooing it and so far the most complete explanation would be from

From what i understand, there are 2 types of hair colorant. The permanent and the semi-permanent (seingat aku la). The permanent colorant penetrates your hair, and changes the colour from the inside, while the semi-permanent just coats your hair strand with colour. So maknanya, the permanent color is safer than the semi-permanent, in terms of kesahihan wuduk. So if you colour your hair with a permanent colorant, there is no worry that the color would not reach the hair.

The question is, what if you want to highlight? Usually people use the semi-permanent ones to highlight it, say, blue today and purple tomorrow. So for me the solution is to use the permanent one la. Tak kisah la if you have to spend a little extra, at least you have no worries.

So now, i am seriously considering to change my hair colour. For what u would ask? Well, perhaps i could answer it is because of my adventurous side :P. The colour of my choice would be PURPLE, COPPER or RED. That's the base la, and the colour have many variations. But i will think more, because i dont want to end up looking like mat salleh berkarat. Maybe dark purple or dark red will do. At first i wanted to do some highlights only, but after all, i still have to buy the permanent ones so i think i will just colour it all over.

I have been strolling down the hair colour aisle so many times these days, just the get the idea of the price and the colour and the brand. Maybe i'll use Koleston Decore, or perhaps Loreal Feria. We'll see.

I'll tell you if i change my mind.

Wednesday, June 15, 2005

of Michael Jackson the weirdo.

While I was on the way home for lunch, was playing Michael Jackson's Special 10 in a row Marathon. Guess why?

He is freed. Free from all charges. And this is one of the hottest stuff today. I am not a big fan of Jackson, but I admit his music is one of a kind. No wonder so many people love him. Here's something i got from Utusan Online.

Michael Jackson bebas semua tuduhan cabul
SANTA MARIA 14 Jun - Michael Jackson dibebaskan semalam daripada semua 10 tuduhan terhadap beliau dalam perbicaraan kes pencabulan kanak-kanak yang boleh menyebabkan penyanyi itu meringkuk dalam penjara selama hampir 20 tahun.
Jackson mengesat hidungnya beberapa kali tetapi tidak memandang ke arah panel juri seramai 12 orang sewaktu mereka mengisytiharkan `Raja Pop' itu tidak bersalah dan membebaskannya daripada kesemua 10 tuduhan, termasuk mencabul kehormatan seorang bekas pesakit kanser berusia 13 tahun.
Jackson kelihatan seperti terperanjat apabila Hakim Rodney Melville memberitahunya bahawa dia dibebaskan.
``Encik Jackson, ikat jamin awak dibatalkan. Awak dibebaskan,'' kata Melville.
Jackson pada mulanya tergamam dan tidak bergerak daripada tempatnya, kemudian berpusing perlahan-lahan untuk memeluk ketua peguam belanya, Thomas Mesereau.
Salah seorang pembantu Mesereau turut menitis air mata gembira dan terharu.
Beberapa orang ahli keluarga Jackson, termasuk Tito, Randy dan Latoya memegang tangan ibu mereka Katherine ketika mereka mengiringi Jackson keluar dari mahkamah.
Seorang lagi adik Jackson, Janet menyambut mereka di luar mahkamah. Janet mengiringi Jackson ke mahkamah tetapi tidak dapat masuk ke dalam kerana kekurangan tempat duduk.
Sebaik sahaja Jackson muncul di luar, beliau yang memakai kaca mata gelap dan jaket hitam, menepuk dadanya dan melambai kepada para peminat yang berkumpul beramai-ramai di luar pagar keselamatan.
Sambil berjalan perlahan-lahan, Jackson memegang tangan ibunya, yang hadir di mahkamah sejak perbicaraan itu dimulakan.
Keputusan itu menamatkan perbicaraan sensasi selama berbulan-bulan di mana pasukan peguam bela menyatakan Jackson telah menjadi mangsa komplot peras ugut yang dirancang dengan rapi.
Seorang lagi peguam bela, Susan Yu dan ibu Jackson, Katherine turut menitiskan air mata ketika beliau diiringi keluar dari bilik mahkamah dan dibawa pulang ke kediamannya di Neverland Ranch.
Jackson yang tidak menunjukkan sebarang emosi ketika meninggalkan mahkamah enggan membuat sebarang kenyataan tetapi melayangkan ciuman kepada peminat yang menunggu dengan penuh debaran.
Beliau boleh dikenakan hukuman penjara 18 tahun jika didapati bersalah atas 10 tuduhan termasuk melakukan perbuatan lucah dengan seorang kanak-kanak, memberi minuman arak kepada orang di bawah umur dan berkomplot untuk menculik kanak-kanak, memeras ugut dan menahan orang secara tidak sah.
Di luar bilik mahkamah, keputusan yang disiarkan ke seluruh dunia itu mencetuskan suasana riuh-rendah di kalangan ratusan peminat yang berkhemah di sana selama lebih seminggu untuk menunggu keputusan mengenai nasib Jackson.
Kes terhadap Jackson berpunca daripada sebuah dokumentari televisyen pada Februari 2003 di mana penyanyi itu kelihatan berpegang tangan dengan remaja yang menuduhnya.
Dalam dokumentari itu beliau juga mempertahankan amalannya berkongsi katil dengan budak-budak lelaki.
Juri terdiri daripada lapan wanita dan empat lelaki itu terpaksa menimbangkan keterangan daripada 140 saksi dan meneliti kira-kira 600 bahan bukti tetapi mereka nampaknya tidak menghadapi banyak kesukaran untuk mencapai keputusan sebulat suara.
``Saya fikir kami semua hanya menimbangkan bahan bukti dan kemudian mencapai kata sepakat,'' seorang wanita berusia 79 tahun dalam panel itu.
Juri lain memberitahu wartawan mereka tidak terpengaruh dengan status Jackson sebagai bintang.
``Antara perkara yang kami putuskan ialah kami perlu melihat beliau sebagai seorang individu, bukan sebagai selebriti,'' kata ketua juri, seorang lelaki berusia 63 tahun.
Kes pendakwa raya banyak bergantung kepada penuduh Jackson, kini berusia 15 tahun, yang mendakwa bintang pop itu mencabuli kehormatannya sekurang-kurangnya dua kali selepas beberapa malam dia disajikan dengan minuman arak dan tayangan filem lucah di Neverland Ranch, tengah California.
Peguam bela berhujah bahawa remaja berkenaan mengada-adakan cerita pencabulan itu atas arahan ibunya yang mereka gambarkan sebagai seorang penipu yang menjadikan selebriti sebagai sasaran.
Panel juri juga menyatakan mereka menghadapi masalah untuk mempercayai keterangan ibu remaja itu. - Reuters

And btw, what do you think of the charges? I mean, could it be true? But the evidence was not strong at all.. Huhu. Michael Jackson is always a mystery for me.


Another episode of bloglessness is happening to me. Not that i do not want to blog, but i dont know what to blog about. There are things happening everyday, but apparently i am not the update all thing type.

I am expecting so many things right now. The internship is about to be over and the preparations should have started by now. My presentation would be on the 8th of July. And yep, its kind of late. Sometimes i wish it's a little early, so that i can have more time to rest and not bother about the presentation anymore.

Anyway, I would be off to Terengganu this weekend. My batch reunion would be on the 17th until 19th June. To be frank i am very eager to go, because this time i am taking the airplane. Haha. Lama seh tak travel in flight, rasa rindu pulak. And in the other hand, i am kind of nervous too. It has been a while since i met my teachers and juniors, and the time has come again. Whaddya know, sometimes things could get a little different. With the expectations and such. This year we will only recognize the Form 5 students at school, since they were the teeny winny ones when we were in Form 5. Wonder what we'll do there, besides the BBQ and Dinner. Hopefully things will go just as fine.

Oh dear, i really don't have anything to say. If i continue this entry would get more boring. Maybe i'll find something more interesting to post later.

Friday, June 10, 2005

Its 126. What's the highest anyway?~

Huu...i usually ignore those annoying pop-up windows, but today, out of my boredom i just clicked on it rightaway! Hehe.

Hey wait, not that crappy ones la..this one is the well, sort of intelligent one. Its from Tickle, the famous quiz and tests website. I actually registered for it already, but i rarely do their quizzes. But somehow today, the question kind of attracts i clicked the answer and like the usual pop-ups, it led me to the website. No harm for doing one today, and i did THE CLASSIC IQ TEST :)

And here is my result :~

Image hosted by

Erkk..kind of small. Can you read it? 126 it is. Not bad huh? but it still depends on the average high IQ value. Anybody know it? And btw, i never thought that I am a Visual Mathematician, coz Maths is not in the highest position of my favourite subject.

You can try it too.Tickle's quizzes are kind of fun and a lil bit more matured than those in sites like Quizzila. Come on, try it and tell me your story! :)

Wednesday, June 08, 2005

You probably wont buy this..

but its true~!!

Can you believe it, I AM CATCHING FEVER AGAIN!!

I sound so pathetic n helpless now, but believe me i would do anything to get out of this. Sometimes i wonder what is wrong with me... I could get sick out of the blue, and recover just as fast..

I am immunocompromised. Or am I not?

God, please give me the strength to face this. If this is one of your tests, then i should go on without complaining. And if this will make me a better person, then bless me with all your grace.

Oiii, aku nak balik umah wehhh...alaaaaa.. :S

Tuesday, June 07, 2005

the inconsistency in me~

Hola people.

ANOTHER layout. Worked on it the whole day. Haha.
I am really the cannot-stick-to-only-one type. Kinda dangerous don't u think :P
Anyway, it still needs some more alteration. Tomorrow i shall continue.

Going home now, c u tomorrow peeps :D

Friday, June 03, 2005

Blogging from a better screen~

Am blogging from a better machine here. Ngeheheh :D

Drop by Palace of Justice today, just to lend a hand to people over here. This big screened Hewlett Packard PC (17 inches) is free, so i am using it now. Can't help jotting down a few lines, with this eye widening screen and a keyboard (guess i am already tired of using the laptop all the time). Heheh.

Kejenye skit saja..and i am already done. So i surf the net, eventhough i also tired of doing it earlier today. Do not really know what to say though. Hehe.

I am going keyboard-off now :)


Emerging Explorers

This week has been one hell of a another boring one. If u guys read my previous post then you will understand. The past four days almost killed me, luckily with my so-called survival skills i managed to stay alive. Ngeheheh.. And today, being the last day of the week, i am always so very lazy to come to the office. Nevertheless, i still do. Macam la aku ni berani sgt nak ponteng-ponteng. Heheh.

Just now i was browsing around National Geographic website to find something to read about, and i hit a button to the "EMERGING EXPLORERS" column.

And, i found it quite interesting. Don't worry Dueng, your habit of reading lengthy texts, even if it is obviously a crap, resides in me too :) I can even find time to read all the Bulletin Posts in Friendster.LOL.

So there are some new explorers featured in the column. To be exact, 6 or them. Out of 6, 4 of them are woman. After reading their profiles and stories, i was particularly fascinated with Kira Salak, a braveheart adventurer and a skilled writer.

Credits to National

This woman has done all it takes to travel to the most remote parts of the world, ALONE. Her determination and courage is what counts most in her success. She is even labeled as the real-world "Lara Croft" by the New York Times.

She has been to most of the continents in the world, and remote places like Madagascar, Mozambique, Papua New Guinea, Bangladesh and Borneo. She kayaked solo for 966km down the Niger River in West Africa, to Timbuktu in Mali. She joined a 1127km cycling trip that takes her to the Arctic Ocean. She even ventured into the Congo Civil War Zone to have a glimpse of the Mountain Gorilla crisis. And she did it all alone. Just how determined is she? Right now she is planning to traverse Mongolia on a horseback!

But all her adventures does not come with nothing.Through her adventures she found a way to view the world in a different perception, and she gave us a chance to also see what the world has yet not seen. She had covered many issues during her travel, and she documented it in her writings.

I salute this lady. Maybe i could find her books to read more about her adventure. For more gripping facts of her, click here.

Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Did you ever....

....feel so bored, u could have done anything, just anything to break out of it?

....feel so wasted, u feel like killing every single people who made you feel that way?

....feel like you have just let time slip away without filling it with something worth doing?

....feel so desperate, you could jump through the window to escape?

....feel so sleepy, you could just doze off on the dirty carpet floor?

....feel so quiet, you feel like you want to scream your lungs out?

...feel so bored (again), you feel like strangling the people who just leave you here to die of boredom?

...feel so homesick, even when your house is just a kilometre away?

...feel so hungry, you could even eat stale fish chips?

...feel so woozy, you feel like separating your head from your body?

...feel so ANGRY, you could have throw your laptop to crash on the wall, and you could just wreck every single thing in the room into bits of tiny pieces?

I AM FEELING ALL OF IT!!!!!!!!!!! Come near me and i will kill you! Muahahaha..

Crazy. I should go home this instant.
