BJ and my story~

..we bought 4 new stories. Well actually Papa bought la. Which are Anaconda 2, The House of Flying Dagger, Alexander and Bridget Jones 2. I was the one who chose B.J, Papa is not the chick-flick type. Heheh. So before bed i watched BJ on my laptop..BJ's story this time is interesting too. So in the end of BJ 1, u will remember that BJ and Mark Darcy finally got together. Now in BJ 2, Bridget tells her story about her relationship with Mark. Apparently BJ is a kind of ordinary girl, with some weight problems, and she is searching for the perfect true love. Mark gave her one of course, and her days was filled by all the happiness of being loved. In the relationship, BJ had to get to know Mark's friends, which happens to be all those big time lawyers, and a beautiful secretary. One day Bridget had to attend a lawyers functions, and she was pissed off by Mark's attitude. "An arrogant arse", as she said. And then, Daniel Cleaver appears. Kacau je. So he wanted Bridget back, and of course she resisted, but in the same time she flirted with him as well. As the story goes along, BJ was indeed at the edge of reason, and the ending proved that she is actually lucky to have Mark in her life.
Well, BJ: The Edge of Reason is quite good. All in all i rate 4 out of 5.
While in Ampang Point, i was browsing around when i came across a nail saloon. Having been thinking of getting a manicure, i decided to walk in. So there i was,for the first time, doing an express manicure and a henna tattoo..hehehe. Spent 22 bucks for it. For like 25 mins. I will post my tattooed hand soon. Forgot to bring the copy. My nails are shining like a mirror now, but it's only a matter of time before it loses the shine again. Takkan nak manicure slalu kot, bankrap aku..haha. So maybe i'll get myself a buffer. (*_*) girls..there are sooo much needs. Haha. And btw, here is what happened when i asked for the tattoo:
Saloon personnel: Mari pilih design dulu.
So I walked in a room and grab the clear folder to have a look. While I was looking,
Saloon personnel: Mau kahwin ke?
I was blushing,
Me: Eh,takdelah. Saje2 je. ehehe.
Saloon personnel: OO. (sambil tersenyum pelik)
Me: Eh, ada kan org buat saja2? Kang nnti org kata saya nak kawin plak. Ehehe.
Saloon personnel: Eh, ada2.. Boleh boleh.
I was like -- ok..eheh. nasib baik.
And here's another thing happened to me at Putrajaya Book Fair..
Ok, actually i was taking my lil sis for a trip to the fair. So it was me, and her.
The moment i was passing the first booth:
Salesgirl: Akum kak..Ni anak ke?
Me: Eh, takdela..Adik nih.
Salesgirl: O, adik. Jadi mak tak datang la nih ek..
Me: A'aa..
Salesgirl: Berdua je la nih?
Me: A'aa..
Sambil tu I walked on. I knew what she wanted to do, nak influence me la tu..suh beli buku dia..haha..Malasla nak dgr. Buat-buat tanya plak. Eheheh.
Then at the other booth:
Salesman: Hi kak.. Ni anak sulung ke?
Me:, adik nih..
Salesman: OO ye ke..Tanak tgk buku, learn English for kids..? bla,bla,bla..
Me: eh,takpe2 lah. Thanx.
So i escaped again.
The point is:
Do i look old enough to have a daughter, aged around 7 years old? Or do I look suitable enough to get married? Hahaha... Aku ni cepat tua agaknye.. hahaha.
So much for a girl who is just learning to play a guitar, and still dreaming of being a rockstar. And still watch cartoons.
Whatever la weh.. =)
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