SePeT and Me~

So what people said about the movie was absolutely right. It was a great movie,compared to the stupid Malay movies nowadays. Like Cinta Kuliah,Cinta kolestrol,Cinta tu, cinta Up coming--Cinta Fotokopi. Stupid. Tak habis2.
Yasmin Ahmad is one heck of a director. I really adore her workings of the PETRONAS ads. Even the montage of Sepet impressed me.
So Sepet is about a Chinese boy and a Malay girl who fell in love. Jason (aka Ah Loong) and Orked. But funny that after once went out together they were already a couple. Well Orked is a girl who likes sepet2 Chinese boys, and Jason is a boy who always usha Malay girls. Heheh. cute. So when they first time met, they're already attracted to each other.
As the story goes along, Jason and Orked had a quite hard time of defending their r'ship..their friends especially, thinks that they were acting ridiculous. One day Jason made a terrible mistake. He is a responsible person, so he had to bear with the circumstances. Orked was frustrated. He abandoned Jason, and didn't even read his letters, or answer his phone calls. Orked went back to be with her ex,and Jason struggled to face the reality. The end of the story makes you hope for the best, but actually something rather sad happened. And it is kind of confusing too. In short, the end brings a lot of speculation from the audience.
I agree that the film was kind of daring, because some of the scenes are not usually shown in the 'standard' Malay films. In fact there are also scenes that has been deleted (filem mat salleh tak delete plak.Tak faham betul.) But then, what Yasmin portraited in the film was indeed what happens in our regular lives. That is one of the things that makes this film original. At least the sleeping scene does not show the actor or the actress with some stupid thick make-up on, which is apparently tak lojik. One more thing is the camera angles. More professional and creative.
All in all, i rate Sepet 4 out of 5. (hey i am not a full-mark giver) heheh.
Now i am looking forward to watch more independent Malaysian films. It makes my 10 bucks spent for the movie more worthy.
And btw, some of my friends said that my eyes are sepet. Ye ke?
I was at a gathering for a trip to Endau Rompin,and this is what happened.
Guy: Eh, ko ada sedara cina ek?
Me: Uiks. Ish, takde ah..Eheh.
Guy: He was telling his gf "Eh mata dia sepet kan?"
Me: Erk.
And then out of the blue, i straightly ask another guy nearby (which happened to be Emry)
Me: Eh, mata aku sepet ek?
Guy: He was like startled and answered "Erkk..Hmm,tak sangat"
Me: Ok.
That was the first time i talked to him btw. Hahaha. Memang aa dia terkejut.
And then during the trip, the first guy was like 'tak puas hati'. He was asking me again. Hahaha. Masalah tul.
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