Tuesday, May 31, 2005

High School memories~

Was browsing around Friendster when i came across this questionairre post about high-school. Specifically, boarding school. Sue posted it in Friendster, but i decide to post it here. Hehe.

1~Name your favourite DM [dwn mkn] food?
Ooooh. Favourite is Nasi Ayam hari Jumaat. And any mealtime with lauk ayam. Susah woo nak dapat lauk ayam, bukan hari2 maa...Hehe.

2~One school staff u missed the most (teachers not included)?
Hurmm, school staff ek. Who a? Okla, Pak Wan kot,pronounced POK WANG. He was the lab assistant. Eventhough he was kerek and like ngada2 jugak, i do miss his good side like giving us a lift to Bandar Dungun.And makcik2 kantin, they were a lifesaver everytime the meals at the Dewan Makan was not that good. Kak Sabariah, she was the Penyelia Hostel. The one who gives u the meds when u need it.

3~Your most unforgettable moment?
A lot. The day i intentionally scribbled sensitive words on my baju kurung, just to show my rebellious side to the conservative teachers, and i was caught and punished to wear kain batik with my uniform the whole day. The day i had a HUGE argument with the headgirl. The day i first laid my hands on the saxophone. The day i met the Principal because of some practical jokes we played on ourselves(alaa,benda kecik je,the prefect was desperate for a promotion, haha). And the day we parted in 2001.

4~If you could change one/more than one thing/s about your school, what would it be?
The perspective and mindset. My school was a one heck of a conservative one, and i'd wish that they would go easy on some things. I mean, they should be more rationale. Other than that, better food! :)

5~In your opinion, which is the best event and name the event that you missed the most?
The best event would be our Graduation day. We had it at the Legend Hotel, Kuantan and it was fun. The event that i missed most is during Sports Day. Evrybody was so cheerful and the spirit was high. I also miss each game of hockey and handball we had back then.

6~Enemies that you made during ur school yrs?
I can't identify each of them. But it would be a lie of i say i do not have one. With me being the rebellious and kind of budaknakal, i think i made a few. Or a lot? huhu..hopefully a few.

7~Most valuable lesson learned?
Respect people and learn to adapt to the situation. And, don't have serious relationship during the high school days. u will miss all the fun. Thank God i had one for only a year. Heheh. And friends are for life. And respect your teacher, kids!

8~Would you join the Alumni?
I would. But i am not interested in organizing, maybe i can be a loyal member, not committee.

9~The teacher/s that you hurt?
Oh dear, i did once. Teacher Fatimah, she was our English teacher in Form 1. I yelled at a friend when i was in her class, and she said i was so rude. She was a sweet teacher though. I was the problem one. Heheh.

10~The biggest mistake ever during your school years?
Hurmm, having a serious relationship. But he was nice to me. I dont hate him. And maybe being too rebellious sometimes.

11~Your favourite teacher(s)?
Ms Roslina, our Physics teacher. Cikgu Mat, our lovable BM teacher. Cikgu Ismail, my Maths teacher when i was in Form 2 or Form 1 like that. Cikgu Suzana, eventhough she was a warden and she knows about my cases, i still like the way she teach Add Maths. Cikgu Fauzi, he was a fun LK teacher. Our Science teacher in Form 3..byk lagi kot.Cant remember, huhu.

12~Your favourite prefect(s)?
None! Hehe. But prefects makes good friends. If you ask me for favourite friends, some prefect friends would be on the list. Hehe.

13~Favourite senior(s)/junior(s)?
Mostly my dorm mates. And some cool seniors with style. Hehe.

14~Favourite dorm/room?
Of course my dorm, 3 Megat Panji Alam a.k.a 3DD.

15~Would u go back to school and repeat everything all over again?
I would love to repeat some of them, and i'd rather not repeat the others :)

I miss my school days.

Friday, May 27, 2005

Idols,idols and more idols

The American Idol Finale was aired on StarWorld yesterday. Should have watched the 4pm slot but i was at the office. Can't pick the 8pm slot coz the news was on the air. So i just had to watch the 11.30pm slot, despite the fact that i had to sleep early for work today. And now of you give me a fluffy pillow, i would doze off in an instant : P

If i was to vote, i would have chosen Bo. He is so cool, and the rock star in him just fascinates me. He has a great talent, and no doubt he would make a huge feat in the music industry. And he can play loads of musical instruments too! Carrie, in the other hand, is such a heartwarming singer. At first i wasn't very fond of her voice, but after watching her previous performances, i think she really has the talent after all. Her version of Inside Your Heaven was beautiful. With her confidence on stage, and her captivating voice during the final performance,i had a strong feeling that she would win (eventhough i so LOVE Bo :)) And indeed, yesterday she was officially labeled as the new American Idol. Congratulations, Carrie!!

Image hosted by Photobucket.comEnough with the Americans, let's talk about the Malaysians talents now. The second season of Msian Idol is kicking off tonight, and the earlier part is the part that my family love. It's going to be hilarious!! Hopefully more PURE talent is coming, and we'll see who is going to be the next idol.

Image hosted by Photobucket.comOther than Msian Idol, another hit reality show in Msia, Akademi Fantasia have also started. I did not watch the whole Prelude Concert, but I am sure hoping less CRAP from them. I admit Akademi Fantasia is kind of evolving now. If you compare the new seasons to the previous ones, it is getting better. And hopefully again, AF3 will produce a more talent than publicity this time. To M.Nasir, you better make this season worth watching!!

Take a seat, lay back and let's hope for the best to level up our music industry!

Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Of Starwars and Barbies

Ughhh. Weekend's over. Now is week 25. Another 8 weeks to go. Patience, Ayuni. No matter how long the holiday is, it would never be enough. LOL. Asyik nak cuti je aku nih, apehal. Heheh.

Watched Star Wars 3 with Emri on Saturday. Well, suddenly cam minat pulak Star Wars ni. Heheh. I wasnt a Star Wars fan before, but after Revenge of the Sith, i finally think the story is indeed kind of interesting. Frankly, i felt like did not get enough of it yet. I really have to borrow the CD's from Emri.

Sunday is lazy day-lounge at home. Woke up quite late, and after shower i just laze around in front of the TV. Visited our Aunty at Gleneagles Intan in the evening, and lepak at another Aunty's house in Ampang. Between the morning and the evening, i was having some difficulties to fill up the time. Heheh. Anyway,played the guitar in front of my computer, while Akila (seperti biasa, she likes to hang around me) played with her Barbie. And, i was attracted too. Aha. So i joined her, and play dress up, grab the camera and took some shots..

*More shots at My Flickr*

Arent they cute? I'd love to collect Barbies, especially the Princess of the World Editions. But somehow i figured out that there are some other more important things that i should spend for. What i do now is visit the Toys Department everytime i go to a Departmental Store :D

Friday, May 20, 2005

I am back at the office.

Image hosted by Photobucket.com My body temperature had risen up yesterday. Or to be exact, Wednesday evening. I remember the first time i experienced this weird fever, back at school in 2001. Suddenly my body felt so cold and my legs will feel achy, and if i don't take my medication, i will start shivering. Even a pair of blankets won't stop me from shivering. By now i already know how to counter it, take 2 panadols as soon as i feel achy and weirdly cold. So, yesterday i decided to take MC, and i spent the day lounging in front of the tv, despite my fever. Syukur Alhamdulillah, after 3 doses of Panadol, the fever started to go away.

Today, i am feeling better. Hopefully it won't come back. Insya Allah.

So today I am back at the office. I am not feeling very lazy like usual, because i know tomorrow is the weekend again. And next Monday is a public holiday :D But somehow, i really prefer, that someday, i would be able to work from home, in my cozy t-shirt and shorts, rather than working in an office. I always dream of working that way and earning a high salary, but deep down inside i am also aware that it really demands a hardwork.

*Sigh* Hard work is the only way to earn things today. And i really mean HARD work, unless you want to use the money. There are many ways to manipulate people to earn easy cash these days, but i choose not to. I just don't believe in that kind of money..

To talk about corruption in Msia these days means that i need to write another entry. U can find it for yourself. Try to ask your parents, or your colleagues.You'll be surprised.

Tuesday, May 17, 2005


Oh. Tuesday it is. 3 more days to go..

Well, this week i really should finish all my weekly reports. I haven't started any for today, but i will after lunch. To add to the cuak-ness, yesterday our superior colleague asked us about our weekly report. How freaky is that! So yesterday i started rightaway and I managed to finish up about 6 of them, out of 19.

This week another thing adds up the list. Pre-Registration.The first level of hassle, everytime a new semester is emerging. The second would be retrieving your class schedule and reorganize, then there would be the Add/Drop Courses. However, this time Pre-Reg is bothering us trainees, because we feel like we do not have enough resources to make decisions. UTP is always infamous about the way they shuffle courses,well at least among the students. The courses would be like Chipsmore. Once its there and then you blink your eyes it will be gone. Sweet.

The major thing to decide is the MINOR. The question is Corporate or Finance? Finance and Money Mgt is not really appealing to me, so i decide to take Corporate. Ok tak? I would still go on even if you say no. Heheh :P And, for the core courses, i think i will follow the given schedule. Senang cerita, takyah pening2 kepala.

Ughh, so not in the mood..I am going off now.

Thursday, May 12, 2005

A new entry, i finally post.

Days of bloglessness have passed. Not in the mood i was. And kind of busy i was also.

Gastric, i had yesterday. Wrong meal ,perhaps. Thank you i shall say, to those who console yesterday.


Sounds Yoda-like?. Oh well, maybe i am already infected by the Jedi/Sith virus from Emry anyway :P

Anyways, i have been planning to write, but somehow these week, I am kind of occupied with some work. So here goes something that is perhaps way too late, but i still want to blog it...

~Tulips from Holland~
It was our Mother's Day gift for Mama. I bought it at the Holland Exhibition in Mid Valley for RM20 for 3 stems. Not bad.

We gave Mama her Mother's Day gift and card quite early, because I was afraid that the tulips will die , as i am not a very good flower caretaker. Heheh. Mama didn't mind though, and we got a big hug from her that evening. Heheh.

Aren't they beautiful? I wish I could've bought a larger bouquet, but the price was kind of out of our budget. Well, you don't expect cheap price when they are imported from Holland do you? As long as Mama's happy, that would be OK =)

Nothing much happened during Mother's Day on Sunday. We all went to our new house at Andalucia, Pantai Hillpark. Me and Akila went for a dip in the pool, while Mama n Papa went to a wedding. After that, we did our fortnight routine - go to Giant Shah Alam for groceries.

Papa's off to Sabah today. Another days without Papa around, but still OK because we dont have to fight over the remote control. Heheh. Anyway, bring us something good!!~ :D

Wednesday, May 11, 2005


Gastric, Gastric, Gastric !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~


Help me.

Friday, May 06, 2005

Reality check~

It's Friday again. I love Friday. Because tonight i can sleep late, i do not have to worry about what to wear to the office tomorrow and, because i can wake up late the next day!!~

Many months have passed since I started my training. Me and Jamie met up with our fellow trainees (Wafa n Syed) in Palace of Justice yesterday, and we performed a reality check. Heh. There is only approximately 2 mths 11 days until the last day of a our training semester. Am i waiting for it to be over?.. Hell yeah.

So i should start working on the essential things right now. I really need to wake up and smell the coffee, because there are loads of things to complete ahead. Weekly reports (apesal la aku tak buat tiap2 minggu a? Ish. ), Final Report and Final Presentation Slides!! Arghh, tetiba i feel like there is a huge meteorite on my shoulders. Now there are too much i dont even know where to start!! *Aaaaaaaa...*

Btw, i received a cute birthday present from Jamie yesterday. It was a crab!! An orange crab, and its a size of a throw pillow. I named it TamTam. hehehe. Thanks Jamie~!! :D

Now i have 3 weirdos on my bed, a Stitch, a frog named Kerokeropi and a crab, named TamTam. Well i don't have a bear. Nah, i'd prefer something different. Now i want to add a cute Hippo, or maybe an elephant. Hehe.

That's enough for today. C u around..

Wednesday, May 04, 2005

They left me here all alone...

..And here i am, stuck with the ever so loyal laptop in this 4 cornered room. But, i think i am OK with it. Thanks to the Yahoo! Messenger, and a quite fast Internet connection.

Since I started training, i didn't dare to install YM in this laptop. Well, it's not mine, its actually kind of my Proj Mgr's company laptop. But, after these boring months, i think i would just go on installing it. After all, its not like i am going to chat and abandon all my work. I just think that YM helps me keep in touch with my friends, and keeps me up-to-date with any announcement concerning industrial trainees. Just right after i installed YM, i got a quite important notice from the Residential College committee. Haa,nasib baik..If not, i would have known about the notice about a week later. Heheh.

The new YM is really cool though. I really love the new features. Especially, the Avatar. Yep, so cool! I can change my appearance anytime, and how i wish that i can play dress up like that. Heheh. These days i have been changing my Avatar looks everyday, as if it's the real me :D

And here is my Avatar of the day :

Image hosted by Photobucket.com
~A long black skirt, and brown boots
~A black jacket over a baby blue tank
~A black boxy handbag
~Braided hair!!!! *which i lurvvve so much*

OoooOOh, i look so cute~!!

Hehe :P

Tomorrow i think i'll try on a Hawaiian tie skirt. Wuiyoo!!~

Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Two major things happened during the last weekend.

1~Met up with my old friend, Dayanna. She dropped by my house from KLIA otw back to her campus in Gombak. So we did a lot of catching up, and i feel glad that i could finally meet one of my long lost friends :D Alamak,forgot to snap some photos with her, but you can visit her at her blog, which i linked at my sidebar already.

2~ I finally bought the Kelly Clarkson CD!!!! Her latest album is named "Breakaway". Kinda late buying it, but better late then never :D The songs are great, and most songs are written by herself. But somehow the pics made Kelly look less chubby..hmmm..heheh. I like the song Beautiful Disaster, which she performed LIVE in her album. Being the Kelly, her voice chimes beautiful as usual. And, do u remember that i said Papa rewarded me 10 bucks for the form, hehe, instead of that, i managed to convert the RM10 into a Kelly Clarkson CD. Pau dia la, apa lagi. Hehehehe :D

I am thinking of buying Peter Pan's CD. I like their music too. But the budget is not there yet. Nantila.