Tuesday, May 17, 2005


Oh. Tuesday it is. 3 more days to go..

Well, this week i really should finish all my weekly reports. I haven't started any for today, but i will after lunch. To add to the cuak-ness, yesterday our superior colleague asked us about our weekly report. How freaky is that! So yesterday i started rightaway and I managed to finish up about 6 of them, out of 19.

This week another thing adds up the list. Pre-Registration.The first level of hassle, everytime a new semester is emerging. The second would be retrieving your class schedule and reorganize, then there would be the Add/Drop Courses. However, this time Pre-Reg is bothering us trainees, because we feel like we do not have enough resources to make decisions. UTP is always infamous about the way they shuffle courses,well at least among the students. The courses would be like Chipsmore. Once its there and then you blink your eyes it will be gone. Sweet.

The major thing to decide is the MINOR. The question is Corporate or Finance? Finance and Money Mgt is not really appealing to me, so i decide to take Corporate. Ok tak? I would still go on even if you say no. Heheh :P And, for the core courses, i think i will follow the given schedule. Senang cerita, takyah pening2 kepala.

Ughh, so not in the mood..I am going off now.


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