High School memories~
Was browsing around Friendster when i came across this questionairre post about high-school. Specifically, boarding school. Sue posted it in Friendster, but i decide to post it here. Hehe.
1~Name your favourite DM [dwn mkn] food?
Ooooh. Favourite is Nasi Ayam hari Jumaat. And any mealtime with lauk ayam. Susah woo nak dapat lauk ayam, bukan hari2 maa...Hehe.
2~One school staff u missed the most (teachers not included)?
Hurmm, school staff ek. Who a? Okla, Pak Wan kot,pronounced POK WANG. He was the lab assistant. Eventhough he was kerek and like ngada2 jugak, i do miss his good side like giving us a lift to Bandar Dungun.And makcik2 kantin, they were a lifesaver everytime the meals at the Dewan Makan was not that good. Kak Sabariah, she was the Penyelia Hostel. The one who gives u the meds when u need it.
3~Your most unforgettable moment?
A lot. The day i intentionally scribbled sensitive words on my baju kurung, just to show my rebellious side to the conservative teachers, and i was caught and punished to wear kain batik with my uniform the whole day. The day i had a HUGE argument with the headgirl. The day i first laid my hands on the saxophone. The day i met the Principal because of some practical jokes we played on ourselves(alaa,benda kecik je,the prefect was desperate for a promotion, haha). And the day we parted in 2001.
4~If you could change one/more than one thing/s about your school, what would it be?
The perspective and mindset. My school was a one heck of a conservative one, and i'd wish that they would go easy on some things. I mean, they should be more rationale. Other than that, better food! :)
5~In your opinion, which is the best event and name the event that you missed the most?
The best event would be our Graduation day. We had it at the Legend Hotel, Kuantan and it was fun. The event that i missed most is during Sports Day. Evrybody was so cheerful and the spirit was high. I also miss each game of hockey and handball we had back then.
6~Enemies that you made during ur school yrs?
I can't identify each of them. But it would be a lie of i say i do not have one. With me being the rebellious and kind of budaknakal, i think i made a few. Or a lot? huhu..hopefully a few.
7~Most valuable lesson learned?
Respect people and learn to adapt to the situation. And, don't have serious relationship during the high school days. u will miss all the fun. Thank God i had one for only a year. Heheh. And friends are for life. And respect your teacher, kids!
8~Would you join the Alumni?
I would. But i am not interested in organizing, maybe i can be a loyal member, not committee.
9~The teacher/s that you hurt?
Oh dear, i did once. Teacher Fatimah, she was our English teacher in Form 1. I yelled at a friend when i was in her class, and she said i was so rude. She was a sweet teacher though. I was the problem one. Heheh.
10~The biggest mistake ever during your school years?
Hurmm, having a serious relationship. But he was nice to me. I dont hate him. And maybe being too rebellious sometimes.
11~Your favourite teacher(s)?
Ms Roslina, our Physics teacher. Cikgu Mat, our lovable BM teacher. Cikgu Ismail, my Maths teacher when i was in Form 2 or Form 1 like that. Cikgu Suzana, eventhough she was a warden and she knows about my cases, i still like the way she teach Add Maths. Cikgu Fauzi, he was a fun LK teacher. Our Science teacher in Form 3..byk lagi kot.Cant remember, huhu.
12~Your favourite prefect(s)?
None! Hehe. But prefects makes good friends. If you ask me for favourite friends, some prefect friends would be on the list. Hehe.
13~Favourite senior(s)/junior(s)?
Mostly my dorm mates. And some cool seniors with style. Hehe.
14~Favourite dorm/room?
Of course my dorm, 3 Megat Panji Alam a.k.a 3DD.
15~Would u go back to school and repeat everything all over again?
I would love to repeat some of them, and i'd rather not repeat the others :)
I miss my school days.
1~Name your favourite DM [dwn mkn] food?
Ooooh. Favourite is Nasi Ayam hari Jumaat. And any mealtime with lauk ayam. Susah woo nak dapat lauk ayam, bukan hari2 maa...Hehe.
2~One school staff u missed the most (teachers not included)?
Hurmm, school staff ek. Who a? Okla, Pak Wan kot,pronounced POK WANG. He was the lab assistant. Eventhough he was kerek and like ngada2 jugak, i do miss his good side like giving us a lift to Bandar Dungun.And makcik2 kantin, they were a lifesaver everytime the meals at the Dewan Makan was not that good. Kak Sabariah, she was the Penyelia Hostel. The one who gives u the meds when u need it.
3~Your most unforgettable moment?
A lot. The day i intentionally scribbled sensitive words on my baju kurung, just to show my rebellious side to the conservative teachers, and i was caught and punished to wear kain batik with my uniform the whole day. The day i had a HUGE argument with the headgirl. The day i first laid my hands on the saxophone. The day i met the Principal because of some practical jokes we played on ourselves(alaa,benda kecik je,the prefect was desperate for a promotion, haha). And the day we parted in 2001.
4~If you could change one/more than one thing/s about your school, what would it be?
The perspective and mindset. My school was a one heck of a conservative one, and i'd wish that they would go easy on some things. I mean, they should be more rationale. Other than that, better food! :)
5~In your opinion, which is the best event and name the event that you missed the most?
The best event would be our Graduation day. We had it at the Legend Hotel, Kuantan and it was fun. The event that i missed most is during Sports Day. Evrybody was so cheerful and the spirit was high. I also miss each game of hockey and handball we had back then.
6~Enemies that you made during ur school yrs?
I can't identify each of them. But it would be a lie of i say i do not have one. With me being the rebellious and kind of budaknakal, i think i made a few. Or a lot? huhu..hopefully a few.
7~Most valuable lesson learned?
Respect people and learn to adapt to the situation. And, don't have serious relationship during the high school days. u will miss all the fun. Thank God i had one for only a year. Heheh. And friends are for life. And respect your teacher, kids!
8~Would you join the Alumni?
I would. But i am not interested in organizing, maybe i can be a loyal member, not committee.
9~The teacher/s that you hurt?
Oh dear, i did once. Teacher Fatimah, she was our English teacher in Form 1. I yelled at a friend when i was in her class, and she said i was so rude. She was a sweet teacher though. I was the problem one. Heheh.
10~The biggest mistake ever during your school years?
Hurmm, having a serious relationship. But he was nice to me. I dont hate him. And maybe being too rebellious sometimes.
11~Your favourite teacher(s)?
Ms Roslina, our Physics teacher. Cikgu Mat, our lovable BM teacher. Cikgu Ismail, my Maths teacher when i was in Form 2 or Form 1 like that. Cikgu Suzana, eventhough she was a warden and she knows about my cases, i still like the way she teach Add Maths. Cikgu Fauzi, he was a fun LK teacher. Our Science teacher in Form 3..byk lagi kot.Cant remember, huhu.
12~Your favourite prefect(s)?
None! Hehe. But prefects makes good friends. If you ask me for favourite friends, some prefect friends would be on the list. Hehe.
13~Favourite senior(s)/junior(s)?
Mostly my dorm mates. And some cool seniors with style. Hehe.
14~Favourite dorm/room?
Of course my dorm, 3 Megat Panji Alam a.k.a 3DD.
15~Would u go back to school and repeat everything all over again?
I would love to repeat some of them, and i'd rather not repeat the others :)
I miss my school days.
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