I am back at the office.

Today, i am feeling better. Hopefully it won't come back. Insya Allah.
So today I am back at the office. I am not feeling very lazy like usual, because i know tomorrow is the weekend again. And next Monday is a public holiday :D But somehow, i really prefer, that someday, i would be able to work from home, in my cozy t-shirt and shorts, rather than working in an office. I always dream of working that way and earning a high salary, but deep down inside i am also aware that it really demands a hardwork.
*Sigh* Hard work is the only way to earn things today. And i really mean HARD work, unless you want to use the money. There are many ways to manipulate people to earn easy cash these days, but i choose not to. I just don't believe in that kind of money..
To talk about corruption in Msia these days means that i need to write another entry. U can find it for yourself. Try to ask your parents, or your colleagues.You'll be surprised.
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