Tuesday, December 28, 2004

surat dari computer ko..haha..lawak a plak..

bygkan kalau ur computer leh cakap..espcially kalo comp tu letak kat dalam bilik kite sorang2..hahaha..kang tibe2 dia tego cuak sehh...aku surf2 internet jumpa la menda alah ni..bace sket..

A Letter From Your Computer. . . From LD
You look really sexy in that thing you've got on tonight.
I like the way your eyes are always open when you read your E-mail.
When you type, it reminds me of a concert pianist tinkling on hiskeys. (I swear this is how the line came to me!!!)
You really know how to push the right buttons to turn me on.
If I wasn't a computer I'd show you what "Hard Drive" really means!But alas, I'm only a bundle of circuits and wires, obeying your everycommand.
Yes Master! I'll balance your checkbook
Yes Master! I'll run your silly program.
Don't get me wrong. . . I like the master/slave thing, but maybe justonce in a while you could show me some compassion?Maybe instead of just ramming in the diskette, you could slide it inslowly, maybe even blow in the slot first.And maybe instead of just turning me off when your through, we couldtalk for a while afterwards?
I know computers have hurt you in the past. But I'm different!!I may be a little slow,But I've got a big mouse!So come on baby, Don't fight it.
You know you want it. I'll just turn off the lights and. . . and. . . What??O.K. . . .well. . . will you at least think about it?
I'm so embarrassed,
:)Your computer( :


Monday, December 27, 2004


the first thing i did today was opening utusan and star online website..i really havent got enough of the news last nite..earthquake in msia? impossible huh? yet possible..and anything is always possible for me.God really have he's own way of teaching humans..it was horrific..yesterday was one of the largest earthquake in history,and our beloved Msia gets a portion too..well then, i consider ourselves still lucky,coz if compared to other countries involved,likeSriLanka,Maldives, Indonesia(there are others)...i think we are still spared coz we only get a little bit of it...even so it is still bad..but i think we should also be grateful,besides praying to God we wouldnt get any of it anymore..

and to make things worst yesterday was Sunday,a day where everybody is having fun,particularly on the beach, and swimming..imagine on a day with a clear blue sky,suddenly u see a mostrous wave come up and swallow everything in its path..my powerful Lord..well anyway, i wasnt there..heheh..just imagining..i was at home,and Putrajaya didnt feel the vibration..but sampai kampung aku kat Kelantan pun rasa,then it surely is bad..there's nothing we can do to prevent it of course, other than pray to God,for under He's power and he's consent everything happens..and may we have he's mercy..Amin..

Monday, December 20, 2004

ever heard of Diane Warren?

diane warren..a music writer, and i am so mesmerized and fascinated and mystified with her songs!! hehe..ermm,ada cd now on sale, of her collections..planning on buyin it one day..yeah, most of it are love songs, but the words are like they are from heaven.. i tell u aa..if u want to give sumthing romantic to someone, search for her songs, and take the words..=) hmm..some of songs are, there u'll be, i dont wanna miss a thing, i turn to you,because you loved me..lets see,ermm,ada lagi, cant fight the moonlight,i need you...wowoww,byk lagi..carila,tak rugi nyer..hehe..anybody minat? put ur comments k?? hehe,lets share our interest...

Wednesday, December 15, 2004

::lets get it started::

alo..emm..kul wape dah ni..3.45 pm and i am still in the office..hari ni baru kepala otak aku clear sket..ntah.semalam cam bengang semacam sampai melarat2 sampai malam...smalam aku rasa cam bodoh masa balik keje sebab mmg aku keje melangut kat ofis satu hari..huhu...rasa cam bodoh gak a..sebab cam tak berbaloi aku gi trening kalo camtu..bukan apa,mmg la baru je start tapi tah..yeah,maybe i exagerrate a lil but hey..sometimes people like me get bored so fast..especially,people like me..huhu..so ari nih aku gi opis dgn harapan aku dapat jugakla wat keje serba sedikit..aku nyer pojek mgr agak bizi ari nih,and consultant pun baru balik dari Sabah, projek go-live kat sana..so baru hari ni diorang terangkan kat aku apa sepatutnye aku wat kat sini..haa..lega sket aa sebab at least aku tau aa peranan aku sket..heheh...evtho pojek dah nak abis tapi still got work to do..hmm..tapi skang ni diorang meeting so takde apaperla aku nak wat jugak..tapi takpela kan..takde apaper pun nak cite dah..aku chow lu..

Tuesday, December 14, 2004


another bosan day at my office..byk keje pun susah,takde keje langsung pun susah..huahua.pojek ni dah nak habis dah sebenarnye,so keje pun tak byk dan kelam kabut dah..tapi tula,melangut.i am actually surfing the net and getting paid.hehehhh..hey,ever heard of internet2? did some research,found it quite interesting..something to do with research and it helps it in a way..check this site out.kot la terasa cam nak menambah ilmu ke,this site is fascinating..http://www.itpapers.com

ermm...keje ni lagi nyusah dari blajo sebenarnyer...adehlaa.now i know.kena bgn pagi2,takleh ponteng suke2 ati..:P pastu keje dia lagi realistik la..bukan cam pojek masa amik course kat U, gamble je..hehe.

ni adala skping gambo masa kat lumut ri tuh..girls nite out,sort of..i enjoyed the nite..yg pegi sume housemates aku kat UTP..

Monday, December 13, 2004

"gelintar" baekkk punye..:P

emmm...camaner nak post gamba ek.adehlaa...aku nak cari cara paling convinient..tapi cam tak berjaya lagi..hhuhu...now i am at home,depan laptop yg aku perasan cam aku punye,haha..alaa,ni laptop aku nyer pojek mgr..taleh tinggal kat opis sebab takut kena curi..:P drpd tinggal opis baik aku amik..heheh.neway, i am uploading some pics but looks like it is so damn tough..my pc plak is in my room,so far away from the internet connection so i have to use the laptop to get nearer..jadi satu keje jugak la kena transfer data...huuu...eh,eh btw..when i was reading the proj. requirement, i came across this word u know..tau2 jela,government diorang pakai BM habes.so aku came across this word..haaa..cube teka "gelintar" tu apa?? maksud nye "search".tapi utk search dalam google,yahoo tu la..hahaha.lawak gak,tapi ok aa ilmu baru.heheh.so many things i learn from working near the govt,but with the private sector..huhu.sape nak tau mehla dtg borak ngan aku,..hhehe...alaa,rindu kat sarah a..she's the gal i oweiz gossip with..dah duk jauh ni asyik sms jela..huu..tak larat aku nak type je. n i miz my other housemates too..nak makan kat rusna je rasa..heheh..hmm tak larat dah a nak type..papai~~:P

Thursday, December 09, 2004

:: a day in a life of me@KPMG ::

there,there...akhirnya ada gak blog lagi satu..hmm,it's been a while since i left this, but then since i am so bored today..tak salah rasanya kalau aku wat satu entry..heheh..hmm,now i am in the office, practical with KPMG,y'know, business advisory company yg wat utk govt..so aku based kat putrajaya..and guess what..sebanyak2 tempat aku nyer office is in JAKIM..interesting huh..hehe.bile lagi nak keja kat jabatan agama..but so far..its been OK.=) i am assigned to help in e-syariah project development..interesting,not bad.but i am stuck in an office, no field work..actually, this is not what i preferred, i like being active..like go there and there...networking ke..but then, i think stuck here pun ok jugak.hopefully i get to do what i like when i graduate, n for now, i take all as an experience to be treasured..

one thing that i will oweiz remember is the first day of my training...hahaha.y'know, office kpmg ni kat WISMA KPMG,kat jalan dungun.hq la..so first day i go there. then the parking lots was hell.susah nak carik parking. i was nervous, n i dunno, quite stupid and i parked along the road.hey, ramai org parking situ la..adehlaa..that is what i was thinking..so i masuk office, briefing and so on..then during lunch hour, i nak pegi HP.konon la macho nak baiki printer..keluar je dari wisma, damn, keta aku dah ilang!! aduhlaa...rite at that moment i was feeling so abstract..lawak ada,takut ada,cuak ada..haha.asked the pak gad there and he said keta sume kena tow! haha..first time, kena tow.first time,masuk keje,,first day..bongak.haha.neway,seb baik tak kena curi...::syukurr:: huu...ari tu jugak i went to jinjang..kat kepong seh..so far from rumah..i was charged 155..habieh aa duit gaji bulan pertama..haha..n then there goes the new experience..haha..kira oklaaa...:P