"gelintar" baekkk punye..:P

emmm...camaner nak post gamba ek.adehlaa...aku nak cari cara paling convinient..tapi cam tak berjaya lagi..hhuhu...now i am at home,depan laptop yg aku perasan cam aku punye,haha..alaa,ni laptop aku nyer pojek mgr..taleh tinggal kat opis sebab takut kena curi..:P drpd tinggal opis baik aku amik..heheh.neway, i am uploading some pics but looks like it is so damn tough..my pc plak is in my room,so far away from the internet connection so i have to use the laptop to get nearer..jadi satu keje jugak la kena transfer data...huuu...eh,eh btw..when i was reading the proj. requirement, i came across this word u know..tau2 jela,government diorang pakai BM habes.so aku came across this word..haaa..cube teka "gelintar" tu apa?? maksud nye "search".tapi utk search dalam google,yahoo tu la..hahaha.lawak gak,tapi ok aa ilmu baru.heheh.so many things i learn from working near the govt,but with the private sector..huhu.sape nak tau mehla dtg borak ngan aku,..hhehe...alaa,rindu kat sarah a..she's the gal i oweiz gossip with..dah duk jauh ni asyik sms jela..huu..tak larat aku nak type je. n i miz my other housemates too..nak makan kat rusna je rasa..heheh..hmm tak larat dah a nak type..papai~~:P
allop yunn!!!!ingat lagi x?julia ni...ahah...ko ade blog ekk...letak la tagboard...bleh aku nyonteng...hehheheheh...(^_-)
oopss...lupe lak..aku pun ade gak.. http://juliajais.blogdrive.com/
aku link kan ko nye leh????
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