Digi Daddy~~**
Yesterday we had a family dinner at Alamanda. Everyone was there except my brother Alefee, he was in Sabah for MASUM. So we chose The Chicken Rice Shop..yummy. The Tofu was delicious, i really love it. and the Pai Tee.Heaven. heheh. And then after dinner we all split and go in our own directions. Mama was like usual la,evtho we live so nearby, and she's like been in Alamanda like many times a week,she will always go to Carrefour. I dunno whats so interesting there (well,i admit the veges and fruits are crispy fresh,thats my favourite department) but then, other than that biasa je..ok,so me follo my daddy la..follow papa.there's this small trick i always use.well, maybe it only applies to me..but anyway, i think that everytime when i go with the family, and we all split, following papa is the best thing to do. becoz y, he will always go to shops that i usually don't go alone. plus yesterday i didnt bring my wallet.so kalau apape, can just mintak from him la.heheh. so i followed him,and then tiba2 dia kata nak tgk digi cam.in my heart i was like yeay!! haha.leh cucuk2 him,then i jadik tourist guide jap, show him the photo shops around there...okla,to shorten the story, suddenly he just made the decision to buy one.wow. so he did. a sony cyber shot DSC-T3. Damn. Typical papa, he always chose the best. heheh. Well, so you know la, papa is old school la,guna kamera masa perlu je. he's not the snap around type. balik rumah je, the one always with the camera would be me. and i cant get my hands off it. just lurve snapping around.heheh.here is the picture of it. nice huh? but if it's my money, i would buy the one with SOLID matte black colour.kinda smart..

Well,briefly,the specs is 5MP,MPEG movie,ermm,3x optical zoom,LargeLCD,Memory Stick and lain2 i cant remember. But for me it's superb!
*Think i wanna get myself a CyberShot too,or maybe new Olympus model (^_^)*
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