Thursday, January 20, 2005


ermm ari ni dah 20 hb..sok raya..raya aji...aku still kat ofis pada waktu2 begini..buhsan aa plak..suke nak bosan..keje sume dah tinggal nak chow je..Hmm sok raya pun tatau nak wat apa.tink i just folo my folks anwer they wana go..mama cakap nak masak nasik dagang..wowiii..seronok..hehe :) i am really a food-lover..can't help it,u just have to live with it..heheh.. petang ni i will be off to UKM..well u dont have to ask, thats my routine everytime my bro is on i yg kena pg fetch dia n bawak balik la...malas tul~..i asked papa to buy him a motorcycle *baiknye aku..* heheh,alaa.its for his own good and for me obviously..ehehe..kan aku dah kata aku pemalas..heheh. but then hampeh je..papa wouldnt want to...and when we explain he kept comparing to his U life dulu2...hellloooo?? now and then,its is damn different..dulu takdek global warming laa...haha..hmm,paham sgt papa's attitude,sumtimes he wouldnt see the benefit until it is proven beneficial..yknow what i'm sayin?? whats the solution? none.coz alifi pun tadek aku taleh nak saiko dia suh beli motor sendiri..heh...ermm,smalam american idol..hahaha..lawak siot audition dia..macam2 perangai seh..u see, these people, they obviously cannot sing!! and still they cried like they are somewhat a precious gold that is ditched away..i mean, come on laa..u cannot sing,but that doesnt mean u lose evrything..u cant be good in everything, it is hell hard..not easy..u wouldnt believe it if u hear them sing..but anyway, of course aa ada yg mantap..ala2 kelly clarkson pun ada..u know, the people went for audition, damn ramai gile..lagi dasat dari Msia woo..but then they expect they will esily get accepted..i mean hell no! its not easy...ishhhhh..kalo nak cite mmg tak habis, so u better tune to starworld tonite ke,next week ke..tgk is hilarious..heheh..


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